News: Baroque Supports Classic Controller

Atlus' new dungeon-crawler supports classic controls in addition to the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo.

Last week, we reported on Atlus' plans to remake their Sega Saturn dungeon crawler Baroque for the Wii. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the player must traverse a bleak and merciless world to discover why devastation has claimed the world of men. The player must descend a mysterious, ever-changing tower teeming with vile beasts in order to make progress.

Atlus have announced that not only will the Wii version of the game support the Wii Remote and Nunchuk control scheme, but it will also be compatible with the Classic Controller aswell. Whether this also means the GameCube controller will be compatible remains a mystery.

It was also announced recently that Baroque will support a first-person mode with motion controls, rebalanced game difficulty levels, a quicksave feature in dungeons as well as 16:9 widescreen support.

Stay tuned to N-Europe for the latest on Baroque.

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