News: BBFC To Rate All UK 12+ Games

All titles released in the UK which are rated 12 and up will now require rating by the BBFC. Full details inside.

By now you may well have heard of Dr Tanya Byron's new report for the British government, detailing new plans for regulating videogames, among other things. Her main recommendation is that the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will now rate any games which deserve either a 12, 15, or 18 certificate. It is part of a government review on internet and game safety for children, and will see the current games rating system PEGI now only continue to rate games for children (in either 3+ or 7+ categories).

There'll also be more regulation of online gaming, and proposed tougher punishments for retailers selling games to under-age buyers.

As it stands, PEGI will initially consider all games, and then pass on titles it deems to be 12+ to the BBFC. Look out for film style ratings to appear on all 12+ games in the next few years, once the report's recommendations likely become law.

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