News: Big Nintendo Announcement in September

Posted 23 Aug 2011 at 10:30 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo apparently has a big announcement planned for next month. Let the speculation begin!
According to numerous Japanese sources Nintendo is preparing to make a big announcement next month, supposedly on September 13th although the exact date has not yet been confirmed.
Andriasang report that Inside Games and Bloomberg have both suggested that recent surges in share purchasing has come about because Nintendo is expected to host a big 3DS-related event on September 13th in Japan. Andriasang note that this is just before the Tokyo Game Show, which begins on September 15th, and while Nintendo typically miss the event they did host their own conference just after it last year.
What will come of this event is unclear although it does seem related to the 3DS in some manner. Reports suggest that Nintendo is planning on announcing a really big title. With many of Nintendo's big franchises already on their way, such as Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing and many others, we can but wait to see what happens. Let us know what you'd like to see in the comments section below.