News: Black Wii Bundle Headed For U.S.

Nintendo finally gets round to releasing the black Wii bundle in North America...

Despite a black variation launching in Europe and Japan during the second half of 2009, North America has only been subject to the original white Wii console since 2006. Until now, that is.

After a couple of weeks of speculation, Nintendo has confirmed that the black bundle released in Europe back in November will be made available in North America on May 9th. The bundle includes a black Wii, a black Wii MotionPlus and copies of Wii Sports and Wii Sports: Resort. Meanwhile, all white versions of the console will also be bundled with all this kit from the same date.

The RRP of the bundle will be no different than the current SKU - $199 - so anyone residing in the US looking to pick up the console may want to wait before the end of the week before making a purchase.

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