News: Blaster Master Heading To WiiWare

Posted 07 Feb 2010 at 12:39 by Aaron Clegg
Run 'n gun fans rejoice - Blaster Master is back!
Those who remember classic run 'n gun action game Blaster Master will surely be over the moon to learn that developer Sunsoft is back, and bringing Wii owners a nice treat.
Blaster Master: Overdrive is the first new entry in the much-loved franchise for nearly ten years, and is releasing on WiiWare in North America tomorrow. We say new - Overdrive is actually a 're-imagining' of the original 1988 NES game, with lovely updated graphics and some nicely improved gameplay elements.
Blaster Master: Overdrive will be up for download tomorrow in North America for 1000 Points. Hopefully a European release will be soon to follow...