
News: Bomberman DS *NOT* Delayed

The game has quietly been delayed until October... could Nintendo Wi-Fi functionality be in the works?

Ubisoft's American website has quietly relisted the official release date of Bomberman DS, plucking the title from the June ranks and placing it squarely in October of this year. For what reason? No reason was given at the time of this writing. How does this apply to Europe? Thats where some very tasty speculation comes into play...

Bomberman DS, developed by the ever-eager Hudson Soft, was released in Japan last week. The game, although providing a multitude of multiplayer options for up to 8 DS owners (on the same game card no less), was sadly strictly an offline affair. Because the game was for all intents and purposes expected to be released in America only one month after, gamers were resigned to not having Nintendo Wi-Fi service compatibility built into the first DS Bomberman game.

Two things have happened since Bomberman's original scheduled release date however: Nintendo's announcement of their forthcoming online network, and today's delay of the game. During E3, Nintendo touted its upcoming service by releasing a preliminary list of developers and their online offerings: including Bomberman from Hudson Soft. Rather confusing? Most definitely. However, the presence of this title on the list, coupled with the planned rollout of the Nintendo Wi-Fi service this autumn, aggregated with the sudden delay to October seemingly adds up to one coincidence too many.

Of course, that the delay is due to the publisher's wish to have a title with online features implemented is strictly speculation at this time. It is entirely possible (and boring) that the title was simply pushed back 5 months due to slow translation progress. However, if it turns out to be true (sooner rather than later, as the list mentioned above has already confirmed an online-enabled version to eventually hit the DS) then gamers all over the world win. There are few party games that can match the appeal of a simple, yet outrageously fun game like Bomberman and the thought of being able to hold a Battle Royale with fellow Bomberman fanatics all over the globe surely has fans excited at the possibilities.

Stay tuned for further Bomberman-related announcements.

UPDATE: "Just Kidding", Ubisoft says... and a good laugh is had by all (they didnt actually say anything). Ubisoft has returned the release date listing on their website to once again reflect June. Looks like the world will indeed have to wait until next year at the earliest for its DS online bomberman fix...

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