News: Bplus Bringing Vektor Tank To Nintendo 3DS

WiiWare developer Bplus has announced plans to bring to Nintendo's upcoming DS successor.

Viennese developer Bplus, best known for their work on a trio of WiiWare titles (including the colourful puzzler Pl�ttchen - twist 'n' paint), have announced a shift in development focus from Wii's digital distribution service to the retail world with the Nintendo 3DS.

Vektor Tank 3D+ seems to be a re-imagining of the planned Wii title Vektor Tank, with players assuming the role of one heroic battle tank in a virtual Matrix-like world threatened by an evil virus. The game sports a trippy, polygonal art style inspired by a selection of classic retro games, including the original StarFox for the SNES.

Interestingly, Bplus are employing the 3DS' cameras and gyroscopic controls to offer a "window into the cyber world". Vektor Tank 3D+ will reportedly recognise and map your own movements into the game, which should prove to be a great showcase for some of the 3DS' new and enhanced features providing disruption of the 3D screens' "sweet spot" is kept to a minimum.

Bplus have set up a nifty screenshot viewer on their website which simulates the 3D effect in a few Vektor Tank screenshots, which provides a good indication of the enhanced depth perception the 3DS offers.

Vektor Tank 3D+ is on track for a release in Q2 2011, just hitting the planned worldwide release window for the Nintendo 3DS.

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