News: Braben Hits Out at CoD 'Mould'

Posted 04 Aug 2011 at 17:23 by Aaron Clegg
Frontier's David Braben is the latest industry figure to bemoan the lack of originality in certain games...
It seems that a contemporary worry among some video game developers is the alleged lack of originality among some games. David Braben, creator of Elite and now heading up Frontier Developments, is the latest prominent figure to air his worries.
Speaking to Edge (via CVG,) Braben singled out the Call of Duty franchise as being ripe for exploitation in the shooter genre.
"I think there's a problem at the moment as big publishers are running scared. What really upsets me is that we have this Call Of Duty-shaped jelly mould, and it's being used to create games that are all competing for a very narrow niche. That's very disappointing as a gamer. We do see the occasional game come out that looks at thing from a very different perspective - LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption - and that's great. But something inside me dies when I see another game that looks exactly the same as all the others."
With Frontier, Braben is perhaps best known within the Nintendo circle for creating the awesome WiiWare gem LostWinds and its sequel. Most recently, Frontier has been working on Kinect with Kinectimals and Kinect Disneyland Adventures.
Do you agree that there are too many monotonous shooter clones in this day and age? Sound off below...