News: Brand New PL�TTCHEN Details & Screens

Posted 20 Mar 2008 at 03:49 by Nathan Whincup
N-Europe reveals brand new information and screenshots of one of WiiWare's flagship puzzle titles.
PL�TTCHEN � twist 'n' paint was the first title announced for Nintendo's extremely promising WiiWare service; a unique puzzle-shooter created by ambitious new developer Bplus. Between our own interview with Bplus about the game and a few initial screenshots, information has been scarce, but now N-Europe has the official scoop on the title's story and gameplay, as well as some new in-game screenshots courtesy of the lovely folk over at Bplus.
Take care of your FantasyME and avoid the bouncing fruits in the FruitySmile fantasy!
The game takes place seven billion years into the future, and a new life-form has just been born in the sun. This new species, called a ZeLeLi, is said to unify time, light and life, and is the protagonist of the game. But where there is light, there is also evil... Shadow Pl�ttchen have set out to prevent the birth of the ZeLeLi race by destroying the universe itself. The player uses the forces of ZeLeLi to stop the Shadow Pl�ttchen and save the universe.
Four in row or column activate power icons and multipliers.
Pl�ttchen tiles are twisted and then painted with colour (colours are selected from a wheel by tilting the Wii Remote). When four Pl�ttchen tiles of the same colour line up in a column or row, an infectious chain reaction is executed, and all adjacent tiles of the same colour will be wiped out.
When more than four Pl�ttchen are destroyed, the Energy Bar fills up. But the trick is to fill the Energy Bar with as few twists as possible, as each twist costs energy. Any objects that appear in levels can also be destroyed for extra points.
Solve the Pl�ttchen puzzles but don't hurt the friendly fish.
300 unique levels are available across three completely different modes, and can be played with up to four friends or alone, with a special party mode supporting up to 12 players. There are also a vast selection of worlds which provide unique and enjoyable challenges, and objects called FantasyMEs, which can be defended as an extra objective.
PL�TTCHEN also offers real-time 3D graphics running in a constant 60 frames per second in progressive scan, and either a 16:9 widescreen or 4:3 display.
With 300 levels of pure, unconcentrated puzzly fun, the odds are that you'll never get bored of PL�TTCHEN.
In terms of controls, PL�TTCHEN is one of the most diverse games on the WiiWare service. The standard control scheme is the Wii Remote (with the Nunchuk being optional), and the GameCube's DK Bongos can be used to control the evil black Shadow Pl�ttchen. Using the Wii Zapper also offers some extra benefits, such as pump gun-like shooting mode and FantasyME control.
Whilst Nintendo may have left the DK Bongos to die, Bplus have given them a new home in PL�TTCHEN.
Berndt Geiblinger, the art director at Bplus, has also been kind enough to put together this fact sheet for us which further details the controls and the objects of the game.
Click here to see a wealth of new screenshots, including a new black and white PL�TTCHEN logo and the first in-game shots of the puzzler in action. We're sure you'll join us in saying that PL�TTCHEN looks stylish, uniquely original, and utterly fantastic.
PL�TTCHEN - twist 'n' paint is due for a release on WiiWare in America on May 12th 2008 for 1500 Wii Points.