News: Brawl To Stop Accepting User Content

Posted 01 Jun 2009 at 08:55 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo will stop accepting your levels, screenshots and replays in less than a month!
One of the joys of playing Brawl on a regular basis was the daily delivery of user-generated screenshots, stage designs and replays from other Smash Bros. fans around the world. And while this is set to continue for the forseeable future, the ability for gamers to submit their own work into this service will shortly be concluded.
A posting on the Smash Bros. Dojo!! website today stated the following:
"As of June 30th, 2009, the current service that accepts user-generated snapshots, stage designs, and replay data will no longer be available. Please note, however, that we will continue to distribute such data after that date."
Do Nintendo now have enough of our screenshots to last until eternity? Quite possibly so. What we do know is that you now have less than a month to share your prized Brawl assets with the rest of the world. Get submitting!