News: Broadband Adapters For PSO III

Posted 30 Apr 2004 at 12:51 by Tim Symons
Nowadays you have to search really really hard in Europe if you want to get your hands on the Broadband Adapter for the GameCube, as Nintendo stopped shipping them to retail. This is little bit worrying because SEGA will be launching Phantasy Star Online Episode III for the GameCube and its online service July this year. Gamer will really need this adaptor! Will we be forced to play the game offline? Reason for enough for us to contact SEGA...
Fortunately, SEGA assured us that Nintendo will be restocking stores with the broadband adapter when PSO III gets released! So no worries friends. You will be able to pick up PSO III with the Broadband Adaptor later this year.
Stay tuned for a hands-on report with the PAL version of PSO III at Cube-Europe in the very near future. And we would like to thank Cube-Europe user Galvanizer for the heads up regarding this news!