News: Broadband made easy

User friendly company RedDSL opened yesterday, and they aim to make broadband as simple as possible, with a large focus on games.

Most Europeans use a simple modem to connect to the internet, but RedDSL want that to change. Offering packages from �29.99 a month, they might seem like any other broadband supplier, but they are certainly more in tune with their target audience.

People are easily confused by technology, and RedDSL knows that, so they have no intention of swamping you down with numbers and technical phrases.

Richard Seear, spokesperson for RedDSL commented "We are keen to show that upgrading means fun, we are surrounded by technical data, most of us don't want to know how the engine works we simply want to know what it will do for us. We aim to make it clear that by upgrading you can talk and surf at the same time, download movies, listen to music and play games on-line, these are facts that people understand and warm to".

Jackie Seear, head of PR at RedDSL commented "On- line gaming is set to explode, according to research, trends also indicate that in the next 12 months over 700,000 homes are likely to upgrade to a faster internet connection. The upgrades will tend to be younger households with internet users being aged between 15 to 34 years. This is a prime target audience for on-line gaming and we are keen to offer them a low cost, reliable service so that they may experience the fun of gaming online with their friends and family but can also experience and enjoy downloading games, movies and listening to music without the wait. We are working with leading software and hardware suppliers to offer a selection of gaming goodies that will be promoted through RedDSL competitions and offers".

The company have a big list of gaming friends, including Thrustmaster and Novalogic. Make sure you are ready for the big online gaming boom, visit their site at

Part of the appeal of consoles is their ease of use, a broadband service to match is very promising.

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