News: Broken Sword 3

Revolution Software have revealed the first shots and more details on their first next-gen title, Broken Sword 3. The series is set to continue in a whole new third person style with more freedom than ever before. Best of all it's set in Europe!

I've just returned from a week of European exploration. On my travels I visited the lovely city of Paris, famed for romance and its city status. I was very pleased to hear that BS3 will begin in this very city - just like the first episode. You will embark on an adventure of intrigue in Broken Sword 3, encompassing some amazing locations.

Expect witty dialogue, superb character interaction and some cracking items to aid your quest. This game is one to look out for; Revolution have been polishing the game for a few years now and it's still not finished. Revolution promise the game to be released sometime in Winter 2002, but don't hold your breath. Delays are all too familiar in games of this pedigree, but as long as BS3 is perfect we won't mind too much. It looks top notch - hopefully the gameplay will also deliver. Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon is scheduled for release on GameCube, PS2, Xbox, PC and Gameboy Advance. The screenshots below are taken from the PS2 version of the game - expect the Gamecube incarnation to look smoother.

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