Ouchide Mugan Puchi Puchi

News: Bubble Wrap Popping Game For WiiWare

As addictive as popping, erm, bubble wrap.

'Hmm' - most likely the only fitting word to describe the new WiiWare game about to be unleashed on the Japanese market: Ouchide Mugan Puchi Puchi, a game which is centred around the prospect of popping bubble wrap.

Oddly enough, the title is actually based on a key chain called a Puchi Puchi (this is Japanese for the sound produced when popping bubble wrap), which has 8 bubbles on it which provide never-ending bubble-popping madness.

Puchi Puchi will use the Wii Remote as a bubble wrap popping tool, with the Remote's speaker and rumble functions providing the feedback you'd expect from actually popping bubble wrap. Puchi Puchi will be available to download (currently it's only planned for Japan) for 800 Wii Points.

PuchiPuchi! from Dynamism on Vimeo

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