News: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Update

Inside we have the full fact sheet and the first three screens of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds!

To see the first three images taken from an early version of the game hit the image. The fact sheet can be found below.

Fact Sheet

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds
Ship Date: Q3, 2003
Publisher: Sierra Entertainment
Developer: Eurocom
Format: PS2, Xbox and GameCube
Category: 3rd Person Action Adventure
Age: 13+

Buffy the Vampire Slayer remains one of today's hottest shows for the teen and young adult markets. Watched by 10 million people in North America on primetime UPN and to millions more in syndication around the world, the show chronicles the adventures of "Buffy," a normal teenage high school student by day and a designated "slayer of vampires" by night.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds is a 3rd person action-adventure game based on the successful cult series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Just like the show, the adventure takes place at ground zero for all things vampire � Sunnydale, California. Developed with the show's writers as a 'lost episode' from season 5, Chaos Bleeds involves an unraveling tale in which a dimensional bleed has been enabled by Pure Evil to consume humanity once and for all. It's up to Buffy and her friends to stop it all from happening...again!

About the Show
The highest rated UPN show with Men 18-34. 10 million people in North America alone watch Buffy each month.

In syndication on multiple networks, appearing in both daytime and evening timeslots.

Over 3 million units sold on VHS & DVD worldwide with 2 more seasons coming January 2003.

Appears in 54 countries � rated #1 or #2 in all primary EU markets for our target audience.

Expanding to include a spin-off with "Angel" that will air on The WB in the near future.

Game Features
Authentic "Buffy" gameplay includes a deep mix of intense combat and challenging puzzles.

Celebrity voiceovers and likenesses of five playable characters: Buffy, Angel, Willow, Xander and Spike, each with unique special abilities.

Elaborate weapon system including everything from mystical knives, swords and battleaxes to baseball bats and electricity blasters.

Play as either Vampire or Slayer in extensive multiplayer modes � One on One Combat, Last Man Standing, Team Survival, Domination and Bunny Catcher.

Killer next-gen hardware allows for a rich gameplay environment that includes volumetric fog, animated textures, vertex lighting and image reflections, plus action responsive music and audio.

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