News: Call of Duty 3 Media

No threats of legal action this time... see screens and media of Call of Duty 3 inside, including Wii posturing.

Threatened by the forces of fascism? Thankfully we have trendy twentysomethings to save us. See the first screens below, as well as downloadable movies. We bet they're from the PS3 or 360 versions, but they're still interesting to see how the play mechanics - especially the new hand-to-hand combat option - will work. The game is set for release this November.

Click for Screens (2 New)


Call of Duty 3 - Video 1 (WMV, 6.4MB)
Call of Duty 3 - Video 2 (WMV, 8MB)
Call of Duty 3 - Video 3 (WMV, 8MB)

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