News: Call of Duty from Activision

Activision have announced a new war-based game brand, entitled 'Call of Duty'.

The series is being worked on by a new studio, named Infinity Ward, which includes developers from EA's Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt. The first game in the brand is set in WW2, with players having to undertake the usual battlefield tasks of sabotaging enemies stealthy-like, partaking in search-and-rescue operations and, of course, the big tank battles. This is all through the eyes of a British paratrooper.

With the brand, Activision hope to vividly portray to tough grittiness of war, and make the whole thing an authentic experience for the gamer. The games all take place in the 20th Century, and will see you taking on different roles for different countries on your way to victory. So expect WW1, and Vietnam perhaps, although the actual battles haven't been confirmed.

Dusty Welch, vice president of global brand management, Activision, Inc. had this to say:

"The Call of Duty brand will deliver the most authentic, intense and realistic battlefield experience from the perspective of multiple soldiers battling on the frontlines."

"No one soldier, or even one country, single-handedly wins wars, but rather wars are won through the collective efforts, teamwork and bonds of everyday citizen soldiers from an alliance of nationalities who all heed their call of duty. It's the camaraderie of common soldiers coupled with authentic cinematic gameplay that will define the Call of Duty series."

Sounds interesting. Cube-Europe will be keeping a beading eye on this brand as more details are revealed.

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