Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

News: Camelot Want To Make Golden Sun 3

"We think we have to make another one." N-Europe agrees.

The two-part Game Boy Advance role-playing epic is not dead yet, as developers Camelot have re-affirmed their commitment to the Golden Sun series. Interviewed by Game Informer, Camelot's founders - brothers Hiroyuki and Shugo Takahashi - have spoken their mind on the status of the series, last seen back in 2003. Their response:

Hiroyuki Takahashi: "First of all, I love that game and I love the world of Golden Sun. We think we have to make another one. We have to do it! Not just that we have to do it, but we want to do it. Nintendo has asked us to please make it. But at the same time we haven't gotten around to making it. We're not really sure why. (laughs)"

Shugo Takahashi: "As Camelot, we think of ourselves as being a company that makes RPGs. In an RPG you role-play as another character. In the sports games, you're role playing as yourself. I want to let the fans know that in the center of our way of thinking the games that we're making now are close to RPGs. The looks and the concepts might be totally different but the essence of the game contains the RPG. One of the reasons that we haven't made Golden Sun is because there are so many fans of the game and we don't want to do something half-assed. We want to give it the time it deserves."

After all this faffing around making golf titles, we really hope that Camelot get down to making the Golden Sun title the series' fans have been waiting so patiently for.

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