News: Can't Touch This New Capcom 3DS Title

Posted 23 Mar 2011 at 22:29 by Ashley Jones
Capcom is releasing a 3DS game that apparently doesn't even require you to use your hands.
According to a report from Andriasang the newest issue of Famitsu details a brand new game being developed by Capcom called Nazo Waku Yakata. In the write up the title is said to not even require gamers to use their hands to play.
Nazo Waku Yakata will take advantage of the 3DS' technology by allowing gamers to control the game through voice, gyro controls and touch. It is currently unclear as to in what manner the game will require touch input, as that seems to contradict the statement that you don't need to use your hands. The title will also support 3D sound through using either headphones or by plugging it into your PC.
Minoru Nakai, who worked on The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, will direct the title while Tadahiro Uesugi, Coraline, will provide the character design and Yukinori Kitajima, Ōkamiden, is responsible for the scenario. Expect more details in the near future.