News: Capcom Won't Make The Same Mistake Twice

Posted 04 Jul 2011 at 23:40 by Joshua Phillips
Capcom confirm that they have heard the voices of the gaming public and won't be making the same mistake twice as far as save files are concerned.
In the last few weeks it has become apparent that gamers will not be able to delete saved data from The Mercenaries 3D. This has sparked anger across the spectrum as both gamers and retailers are unhappy about this move. Many places, including big retailers such as HMV, have gone as far to say that they won't accept trade-ins because of this problem.
Capcom have taken note of the outrage this has caused and have been quick to assure fans it won't happen in future. In a video posted on Capcom Unity, Capcom US Vice President Christian Svensson acknowledged the issue and hinted that this single, delete-proof save file would be a one off.
Svensson stated that "in light of the controversy it's generated I don't think you're going to see something like this happening again". So it's pretty much confirmed that we won't be seeing these kind of save files again soon.
What do you make of all this? Are you glad that we won't be seeing more cases like this or do you feel that this shouldn't have happened in the first place? As always, let us know in the comments below.