News: Chart Analysis - Japan

After a short absence the Japanese charts return.

1. (PS2) Devil May Cry 2 - 61,300 / 361,800
2. (GC) Nintendo Puzzle Collection - 40,500 / 40,500
3. (PS2) Exciting professional wrestling - 36,200 / 36,200
4. (PS2) record-of-war De Dis Gaia - Souten Roku - 24,000 / 69,400
5. (GBA) Pokemon Sapphire - 23,200 / 1,811,000
6. (GBA) Pokemon Ruby - 23,100 / 1,797,200
7. (PS2) DODON TATAKON - 22,300 / 385,800
8. (PS2) James Bond 007: Nightfire - 19,800 / 53,600
9. (PS2) Nobunaga's ambition - 16,600 / 75,800
10. (GBA) Power Pro-kun Pocket 5 - 14,400 / 116,200

1. PS2 - 42,100 / 542,600
2. Gameboy Advance - 22,000 / 602,800
3. GameCube - 8,300 / 153,600
4. XBOX - 3,300 / 35,300
5. PSOne - 1,600 / 20,300
6. WonderSwan Crystal - 1,000 / 10,700
7. Gameboy Colour - 490 / 6,700
8. WonderSwan color - 370 / 7,600

DMC2 is predictably ... watering the competition shall we say. Despite a lot of negative American reviews, the Japanese are still lapping it up. It's going to be interesting to see if the sales slow down, or if the reviews have it wrong, and the game really has got staying power. Famitsu, however, seemed positive about the game, with an 8,9,7,8 - don't be surprised if it keeps it's place.

The Nintendo Puzzle Collection grabbing the second spot is an unexpected surprise. But it certainly won't be there next week, and once you see what's due, you'll understand why. The Pokemon games are holding steady, and will quite possibly stay in the charts until Pokemon Cube hits, if not, I expect that will mark their return. Nightfire is doing quite well, very well in fact, for a first person shooter, which have a reputation of not going down too well in Japan.

The GBA suffers a pretty big drop in sales, probably because people are holding off for the SP, which I assume will be counted seperately to the GBA on future charts. There are reports of huge cock ups with SP supplies, which could hurt it's sales. If supplies are low, expect it to be fully sold out, with both Final Fantasy Tactics and Metroid Fusion hitting the market next week. The rest of the hardware side is pretty standard, the Xbox doing better than usual, but not by much.

Predictions for next week then. It seems deceptively easy to predict next weeks charts, so no doubt I'll have overlooked something. The GBA and the PS2 are the platforms to watch. As I've mentioned, FFT and Metroid should sell in some very high numbers. I'm predicting FFT for the top spot actually. The PS2 will be doing quite well with ZOE2 and Dragonball Z, both of which should be pretty huge sellers. I'm thinking that these 4 titles should make up the top half of the charts, but I always miss something, so we'll have to wait and see.

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