News: Cheaper UK Games Campaign

If you're planning on buying games from December 1st-8th don't. It may save you money in the long run.

We all hate digging into our wallets and emptying out �40, or maybe even �45, for a brand new game, but Fair Play want to put that right. The company are based in the UK and are aiming to make videogames cheaper for us all, and their first stunt, not to buy them. The company is run by industry heads and many concerned consumers. They have recently opened up a site outlining the problems with today's videogames prices, and seem to think �20 (�30) would be better, and who wouldn't agree. If videogames will lower that much in reality is a different story however.

They inform the videogame buyers how much they are being ripped off. According to them it costs 40p to make each videogame copy, whether this is true or not is unknown but it does cost less than �40 to make a videogame. Even though the revenue is continuously going up companies are still going bust, money is lost, and jobs are going, all because �40 is a turnoff price for many casual gamers and they tend to go to pirate games in the case of the Xbox and PS2.

By avoiding buying games for a week we can hit them where it hurts, in their pocket. Think about how Microsoft reacted to bad Xbox sales, two big price slashes. It launched at �300 and Microsoft stated it can not be lowered, yet it was, to �200. A few months later it was again lowered, this time by �40, bringing it to �160. It is now just over half the price of what it launched at seven months ago. The reason for this price dropping, consumer power, we have the power to tell them we think the prices are unfair and they should be changed, we did it with Microsoft, we can do it again.

To really hurt their busting wallets the week at the beginning of December was chosen, because it is the built up to Christmas, the time in which videogames sell most. This period accounts for 80% of the total sales of videogames, companies will really listen then. You can simply buy games before or after this week, but the industry will be told what they know, videogames are a rip off.

No AAA titles are being released in this time so it is likely most people will not buy games during this week. However make sure you don't, for any console, and make sure people know. You can print off the details and post it around your local town. Games shops may not be so willing, but try anyway. A campaign poster can be downloaded in bitmap form (compatible on most PCs) here and an information postert here . A petition is also running, and can be found here .where there are currently over 1200 signatures in just over a few days.

Newspapers and magazines such as Edge and Computer Trade Weekly, have already shown interest in the campaign. In late November we may hear more on this promising campaign that seems to only think about benefitting the buyers, not the creators. After all, it is us who keeps them going. The only problem that may arise is a special offer during that week, and if any company is to do that it will be Microsoft. However I urge you not to buy. More information can be found at

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