News: Contra ReBirth Hits WiiWare Tomorrow

Posted 03 Sep 2009 at 13:30 by Nathan Whincup
Contra is reborn on WiiWare, and you'll be able to get your hands on it tomorrow!
The Contra series (also known as Probotector in Europe) is a 2D run-and-gun series famed for its back-breaking difficulty. Developed and created by Konami, the series is going back to its 16-bit roots for a brand new outing on WiiWare.
Starring trusty series protagonist Bill Rizer once again taking part in a one-man war, Contra ReBirth retains the classic gameplay, and even features remixed music from previous Contra games.
The good news is that Contra ReBirth will be available to download across Europe and Australasia tomorrow for just 1,000 Wii Points.
Contra ReBirth will be the first new Contra/Probotector game to hit a Nintendo system in Europe since 1992, with WayForward's Contra 4 for the DS not seeing the light of day in our continent.
Let us know in the comments if you'll be downloading this slice of retro goodness.