News: Corruption Director Interviewed

Posted 31 Aug 2007 at 06:26 by Tom Phillips
Retro Studios' Mark Pacini, director of Metroid Prime: Corruption, has spoken on the development of the game, and the company's future...
Interviewed by Yahoo!, the Corruption director (who labels the title a "first-person adventure", for all you people who still call it an FPS) has talked about the development of the title, saying how the company began work on the third Prime game before they had Wii hardware to run it on.
Although the game was always scheduled for the Wii, the title's structure was completely mapped out beforehand. And even with Wii hardware to develop on, Retro still did not know about the Wii-mote's motion sensing capabilities until a stunning nine months into development.
Unsurprisingly, Pacini says that it was a "big surprise", something that caused a few things to be re-factored, but that also caused other things to just "fall into place". In development, the team were careful to not let the Wii-mote controls feel contrived, using it fully make gamers' hands feel a part of the game.
This time around, Pacini says gamers will see bloom lighting, bigger vistas, more characters on-screen, larger textures and more polygons - in his opinion, the game pushes the Wii "pretty hard".
At this point, he mentions that the title is only their "first" for the Wii, meaning of course that there is more to come. As for Samus however, Pacini says that the team are now taking a break from Metroid series.
What Retro have up next is still under-wraps, but we can't wait to find out.