News: Corruption Saves Incompatible With Trilogy

Retro confirms that Corruption-owners who bought Trilogy will have to plough through the third game again...

When Nintendo announced Metroid Prime Trilogy - the one-disc collection of all three of the smash-hit Prime games - there was one question that rested on the minds of a surprisingly large portion of Wii owners. Will Trilogy allow save data from 2007's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to be carried onto the new disc?

Today, lead game designer at Retro Studios Mike Wikan cleared matters up with a short and simple statement.

"Due to the way the game data is allocated for production and the changes that we made in the source code, we were unfortunately unable to carry over the save file compatibility from MP3 to Trilogy."

Heartbreaking news indeed, folks. Those who want to complete Trilogy will just have to play through one of Wii's greatest ever titles yet again. The humanity.

Metroid Prime Trilogy hits Europe on September 4th.

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