News: Create StreetPass IDs with New Online Tool

Posted 10 Oct 2011 at 06:11 by Ashley Jones
A new website gives you the chance to share more than just your Mii when you StreetPass.
One of the most surprisingly enjoyable aspects of the Nintendo 3DS is the built-in StreetPass software that allows you to exchange Miis with others by simply travelling past them. While Nintendo has promised an update to the software later in the year a new website is trying to expand that experience already.
StreetPass Network has teamed up with Vulpe Creative to give gamers the chance to sign up for their own 'PassID', an enhanced StreetPass profile that contains your name, photo, Friend Code, bio and contact details. Your profile is given a short URL, which you then input as your personalised greeting. As an example my PassID can be viewed here.
While currently in its infancy the service, if embraced by gamers, could provide a good way to exchange information quickly and easily and yet still with Nintendo's boundaries. Discussing the new service Joshua Lynsen, founder of StreetPass Network, said:
"We're very excited to share this new tool with Nintendo 3DS gamers and further enhance the StreetPass experience. Like the identification badges you see at conventions, PassID allows people to share the info they want to share with friendly audiences. It's our hope that PassID will build more meaningful and lasting connections between Nintendo 3DS gamers."
What do you think of PassID? Do you think it could become successful? Be sure to share your opinions, and usernames if you sign up, with us in the comments section below.