News: Crystal Bearers Dated For Japan

Posted 28 Aug 2009 at 06:32 by Stephen Thomson
The much awaited title in the Crystal Chronicles series finally has a release date for Japan...
First announced back in E3 2005, Crystal Bearers almost seemed non-existant with the lack of news on the title for a while. Thankfully we eventually got a trailer we couldn't help but rewatch multiple times and an official site showing off little segments of the game. At long last however, we finally have an official release date for Japan. Our friends over in the East will be able to pick up the title on November 26th this year. The offical site has also been updated with some more footage to watch to help ease the wait.
There is no word on a European or American release date just yet, but with an English cast already in place, hopefully we won't need to wait too long.
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