News: Crystal Bearers Releasing In NA This Year

Posted 14 Sep 2009 at 13:09 by Aaron Clegg
Square-Enix is squeezing out its major Wii RPG player in America before the year's end...
Japanese behemoth Square Enix has made the surprise announcement that the Wii exclusive Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers will make it out to stores in North America in 2009. The game is set for an official release of December 26th.
Crystal Bearers stems the co-op-focussed formula set down by the orignal Crystal Chronicles and offers a much more action-adventure style template than mainline Final Fantasy titles. Players will use the unique capabilities of the Wii Remote to also take pasrt in a varied range of side-challenges, as well as of course taking on waves of monsters.
There's still no European release announced for the game, but we'll be very lucky to receive it this year...