News: Crystal Bearers Still On Track

Posted 14 Nov 2008 at 12:06 by Aaron Clegg
Contrary to recent speculation, Square Enix have confirmed the 'serious' Wii Final Fantasy game is still in development.
Rumours of the apparent cancellation of Final Fantsasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers started doing the rounds earlier this week when EGM reported Sqaure Enix was quitely ceasing development. The claim was that all focus would be shifted to the Wii/DS Echoes of Time combo. Not long after, conflicting reports flooded in that the game is indeed still being woked on, and that Square would have an official press release on the matter imminently.
Well, Wii gamers (and anyone who had money on the latter) can breathe a sigh of relief, as the company have cleared things up in a company statement:
While much of EGM's 'Rumor Mill' contents end up being accurate, in this case the report is incorrect. We have never announced that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers has been cancelled and have every intention of releasing it. There may be some concerns as a firm ship date has not been set but rest assured there will be an announcement once we finalize the date internally. Although there are many Square Enix related rumors out there that we do not comment on, due to the feedback from the readers, we felt it was necessary to provide a statement to alleviate the worries of those who are looking forward to the game. The fan base that the Final Fantasy series has is appreciated by everyone at Square Enix (not only the developers) so we hope this statement will prevent any further spreading of the rumor. We apologize for any unnecessary distress this rumor may have caused and hope the fans of the series can again look forward to the upcoming release of Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.
Crystal Bearers was one of the very first 'Revolution' titles to be announced, and has been completely AWOL from the public, save a brief appearence at E3 in 2006 and a short trailer early on in 2007.