News: Crytek Purchases Free Radical Design

The word is that Crytek have purchased Free Radical! Read more...

Free Radical's script writer Rob Yescombe has confirmed to 1UP that Crytek, developer of Crysis has purchased Free Radical. Yescombe told 1UP "After seven long weeks of uncertainty, I can confirm that Free Radical is now out of the woods. We've been bought by a really, really good company."

No further details are known and whether the 140 employees that were let go on December 31st will be readmitted or not is also a mystery - or what titles will still be in production.

Nevertheless, it seems the Free Radical saga is nearing its conclusion and while it's most likely true, we'll wait on an official response. Stay tuned, monkey enthusiasts.

Update: No official comment yet, this is all legit: Edge is reporting that the developer's high reputation in the industry meant that an auction had to be held for the several interested parties to bid for the company, which Crytek then won. The 43 employees remaining at Free Radical will be added in to the Crytek workforce, with the developer being re-named Crytek UK.

Said Cameron Gunn, administrator in charge of the sale:

"It's excellent news, we've sold to someone who wants to invest in the business locally, so we're extremely pleased with the results."
"The sale is a testament to the quality of the employees and the great reputation the company had built-up in the market-place over the last several years. Without that, the company would have been a difficult sale to gain."

More as it breaks.

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