Harvest Moon: Magical Melody

News: Cube Harvest Moon For Europe On Wii

An European version of Magical Melody is still on the way, but for the Wii...

In an interview with Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada, who has worked on the series for over ten years since its SNES debut, Eurogamer asked what the next Harvest Moon title would be for European gamers. The response was surprising:

"We are working on a European version of Magical Melody for the Wii."

[PR person interjects, and there is a short argument about whether or not we're allowed to know about that before Rising Star's Richard Barclay clarifies the matter for us.]

"We haven't received official confirmation from Nintendo that Rising Star will be a Wii publisher, and we haven't told Nintendo we've told anybody that we'll be releasing Magical Melody, which was a GameCube game, as a Wii game."

Unexpected news, but welcome indeed, especially as Magical Melody has been praised as one of the best Harvest Moon titles of the series to date. We'll keep you updated.

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