News: Cursed Mountain Coming Exclusive To Wii

Posted 31 Jul 2008 at 12:02 by Tom Phillips
Deep Silver announce an exclusive mountain-based survival horror title for the Wii. Details inside!
Today developer and publisher Deep Silver have revealed the first details of Cursed Mountain, a survival horror game produced exclusively for Wii and set on the roof of the world. According to the press release, the entire game world is visible from every level.
Set in the late 1980s, gamers will take on the role of a fearless mountaineer as he climbs into the Himalayas on a quest to find his lost brother. As he ascends the mountain, he encounters an ancient curse: the souls of the people who died in that region are stuck in limbo, caught in the Shadow World. Villagers, pilgrims, mountaineers and Buddhist monks � dead but not yet reincarnated � are all that is left on the mountain. Terrible visions will disorient him, and ghosts and demons block his path. But the question remains � is his brother still alive?
The title will feature a gesture-based combat system which will take full advantage of the Wii motion sensitivity. Players will use the Wii Remote to look around, sense the environment, climb and fight enemies. The title is due next year.
Says Hannes Seifart, Managing Director at Deep Silver:
"With a fresh setting, gloomy atmosphere and the innovative use of the Wii controls, Cursed Mountain will deliver a unique, terrifying game play experience. Deep Silver is confident that Cursed Mountain will help to further establish our international presence, and help expand the survival horror game genre on the Wii platform."
And finally, here's a rather moody piece of artwork for the game. Clickedy-click for a considerably larger view:

"'Scuse me gents, where's the nearest Little Chef?"