News: Dead Man's Chest For DS Details

Posted 10 Apr 2006 at 07:33 by Tom Phillips
Head inside for an overview of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which will be hitting GBA and DS this summer!
Based on the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures' film, Dead Man's Chestis a swashbuckling third-person action/adventure. As Jack Sparrow, players take on a variety of enemies by utilizing strength and speed attacks or "dirty moves" (such as head butting and groin kicking) as they progress through the adventure.
In this swashbuckling follow-up to the blockbuster 2003 film, captain Jack Sparrow is caught up in another tangled web of supernatural intrigue: it turns out Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, Ruler of the Ocean Depths, who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman. Unless the ever-crafty Jack figures a cunning way out of this Faustian pact, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation.
You'll be able to utilize different weapons including swords, pistols, hatchet, throwing knives and grenades and choose among five pirate ships and set sail in one of 10 maps to defeat fellow gamers or the game's AI. Earn notoriety by defeating enemies to gain rewards! Multiplayer will allow for up to four players to connect wirelessly (on DS).
Additionally, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 games are already in development for release in Summer 2007!