News: Dead or Alive: Dimensions Details

Posted 13 Jan 2011 at 15:21 by Stephen Thomson
More details have been revealed for the upcoming bouncing fighter. Online play included.
New details have surfaced for the second of the fighters set to land on the 3DS, with some added features. The first piece of information is regarding the "Chronicle" mode featured within the game. This mode recaps events that took place withing the first 4 Dead or Alive titles, and with this, all new cut scenes have been created that weren't present within the original titles to aid the storyline.
Other details include being able to collect figures of the fighters within the game, like you can with Super Street Fighter IV. This is done through a feature revealed by Japanese retailer Game Star, which is the ability to take photographs of characters.
Game Star also stated that there is a co-operative element within the game, Tag Teams are present and online play will be included.
Dead or Alive: Dimensions has been claimed to have some of the most impressive use of the 3D feature used by the console. Stay tuned for more 3DS details.