News: Dead or Alive: Dimensions DLC Detailed

Posted 26 May 2011 at 22:07 by Ashley Jones
The downloadable costume and throwdown challenge schedule has been released.
The recently released Dead or Alive: Dimensions is one of the first 3DS titles to really take advantage of the SpotPass feature by allowing gamers to download brand new costumes and throwdown challenges to their 3DS. Dead or Alive World has the schedule details for the downloadable content and what to expect.
Each character will get additional costumes through SpotPass, with a new one appearing every day. In order to download any of the data you must have an SD card in the console. The full list is as follows:
20/5 (Fri.) Kasumi
21/5 (Sat.) Ayane
22/5 (Sun.) Kokoro
23/5 (Mon.) Leifang
24/5 (Tue.) Tina
25/5 (Wed.) La Mariposa
26/5 (Thu.) Hitomi
27/5 (Fri.) Kokoro
28/5 (Sat.) Ayane
29/5 (Sun.) Leifang
30/5 (Mon.) Tina
31/5 (Tue.) La Mariposa
1/6 (Wed.) Jann Lee
2/6 (Thu.) Zack
3/6 (Fri.) Helena
4/6 (Sat.) Bayman
5/6 (Sun.) Bass
6/6 (Mon.) Leon
7/6 (Tue.) Hitomi
8/6 (Wed.) Eliot
9/6 (Thu.) Brad
10/6 (Fri.) Christie
11/6 (Sat.) Helena
12/6 (Sun.) Gen Fu
13/6 (Mon.) Ein
14/6 (Tue.) Leifang
15/6 (Wed.) Hayabusa
16/6 (Thu.) Hayate
17/6 (Fri.) Christie
18/6 (Sat.) Kasumi
19/6 (Sun.) Ayane
20/6 (Mon.) Kokoro
21/6 (Tue.) Hitomi
22/6 (Wed.) Kasumi
A number of throwndown challenges will also be available to download every Friday. The list of challenges can be found below and more details about each can be found on Dead or Alive World.
20/5 (Fri.) to 26/5 (Thu.)
Challenger: Kasumi
27/5 (Fri.) to 2/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Tina
3/6 (Fri.) to 9/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Mr. Hayashi
3/6 (Fri.) to 9/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Hayabusa
10/6 (Fri.) to 16/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Zack
17/6 (Fri.) to 23/6 (Thu.)
Challenger: Jann Lee