News: Dementium Bundle Available in UK

Posted 02 Jan 2012 at 19:43 by Aaron Clegg
A bundle of perhaps the only two horror first-person shooters to grace Nintendo DS pops up out of nowhere...
Apropos of nothing this evening comes a surprising bundle that nobody seemed to know about. And no, shockingly enough, this is one day where a new bundle isn't another colour option announced for Nintendo's 3DS hardware.
The new product is seemingly a bundle of Renegade Kid's two Dementium games for Nintendo DS. It's available on Amazon UK for under thirty quid, apparently handled by publisher TopWare Interactive.
The Dementium games pretty much epitomise the daring creativity of the folks at Renegade Kid - violent, horror-themed first-person shooters developed exclusively for Nintendo's family-friendly DS system. Dementium: The Ward was, at best, a cult gem when it released in 2009, while its sequel Dementium II received a virtually silent European release after heavy localisation delays.
Such is the status of the games that even Renegade Kid's own head Jools Watsham had no idea the bundle existed. "Wow, I had no idea this existed", he quite literally tweeted.
The Dementium bundle is almost certainly doomed to limited availability, so if you want to experience one of the weirdest franchises you'll ever find on DS, we recommend ordering now. Meanwhile, Renegade Kid will be hard at work on the downloadable 3DS platformer Mutant Mudds.