News: Demo DVD Impressions

One of our forum moderators, Mike Litman, already got his hands on the american Nintendo GameCube demo DVD. Head inside for his first impressions.

The front of the box shows a Platinum GameCube and Metroid Prime. The back shows a few of the games it showcases. The dvd includes exclusive media like commercials, wallpapers, icons, screensavers and dvd only extras. It also contains media on F-Zero, 1080 Avalanche, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Zelda, James Bond - Nightfire, Supermonke Ball 2, THPS 4, Phantasy Star Online, Star Wars : Clone Wars and Harry Potter.

The dvd is stunning in everyway incorporating practically every game which will see a release within the next year. It features some of the very best and also shows off the GameBoy Advance and its E CardReader hardware. Although this is not a GameCube sized CD (you play it on the PC) it is still a great step forward in advertising from Nintendo.

Here are the first ever pictures of the DVD to hit the internet:

Mike Litman -

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