News: Developers More Keen On Handhelds?

"A lot of the developers I know are waiting out on the first round and focusing on handhelds," says GDC Boss.

GDC Boss Jamil Moledina recently caught up with to discuss the number of studios working on next-generation consoles. He also mentioned the difficulty in working with the Sony Playstation 3, as well as the fact that many developers are 'sitting out' the first round with the new systems.

"A lot of the developers I know are waiting out on the first round and focusing on handhelds; they're creating DS and PSP titles because that's actually a much simpler migration from the current-gen," he continued.
"It's always a challenge for developers to dedicate resources to next-generation titles like this - consider the cost, resources, and time it takes to make these games."

He makes a fair point. But, with a new system, it will always take a while for third parties to get used to that specific system. Here's what he had to say about working with the PS3:

"It's a relatively complex platform to develop for, considering it has a very unique multi-core processor with the Cell. A lot of developers are new to figuring out how to work with that structure, as well as the RSX, the graphics processor.

Due to the PS3 being relatively 'complex', will this mean that more focus will be shifted to the Xbox360 or the Nintendo Wii? Or, does this just mean that the games will still come for Sony..but it may take a little longer?

We'll leave it up to you to decide.

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