News: Dinosaurs Demo On Euro Nintendo Channel

A demo for Battle of the Giants: Dinosaurs is now available from the European Nintendo Channel.

Believe it or not, the world you live in now was was once dominated by great, carnivorous reptilian beasts called dinosaurs. A fascinating new discovery has been unearthed recently by Ubisoft; these fantastic creatures battled each other in turn-based strategic combat in order to harvest stat-boosting eggs from their opponent's bloodied carcass*.

You can see what life was like as a dinosaur in Ubisoft's warped prehistoric imagination with the release of a Battle of the Giants: Dinosaurs demo on the European Nintendo Channel. First impressions aren't really all that great, with the combat growing stale and repetitive after a few battles, but we'll leave the final judgement up to you.

Battle of the Giants: Dinosaurs is due for a release in Europe on October 31st.

*May not be entirely true.

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