News: Disney Accused of Ripping Off TT Games

Posted 27 May 2011 at 05:46 by Ashley Jones
Traveller's Tales design director accuses Disney of "ripping off" their LEGO series with Disney Universe.
Less than a few days old and Disney Universe is already causing some controversy. Jon Burton, design director at Traveller's Tales, has accused Disney Interactive Studio of "ripping off" their LEGO video game titles.
Disney Universe allows gamers to 'dress up' as a variety of Disney characters and TT's Jon Burton has spotted some similarities. Upon hearing about the title he tweeted "Disney rip off our LEGO games and LittleBigPlanet to create: Best of luck to them."
Later on he added: "Disney Universe allows you to take control of characters from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland � Jon Burton's LEGO Star Wars more like! ;)" However, it is not all anger as when Mr. Burton learnt that it is being developed by Eurocom he said he loves the developers and feels conflicted. He also added that a bit of competition could be good for everyone so he doesn't seem angry about the title but was rather having some fun.
Update: TT's Jon Burton has updated his stance on Disney Universe, stating that "Obviously, I'm just messing around about Disney Universe. But you've got to agree, it's definitely Sackboy in the lead role, right?" and backing it up with "Of course. I'm actually excited to see it. There will be stuff we can learn from for sure."