News: DOA: Dimensions Pulled from Australian Shops

Posted 10 Jun 2011 at 21:58 by Ashley Jones
The tumultuous story that is the release of Dead or Alive: Dimensions continues...
Last month Sweden, and in turn Denmark and Norway, banned Team Ninja's Dead or Alive: Dimensions due to it allegedly breaking their child pornography rules. The title features a photography mode and some of the characters are listed as being under 18.
Now the Australian Classification board has reclassified the title for the same reasons and the game has been pulled from shelves. 7 News, leading with the sensationalist headline "'Child porn' game pulled from shelves", report that the board were forced to reconsider its previous child-friendly classification after media pressure.
However, in the Australian version of the game all references to ages were removed according to Nintendo Life. Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor expressed his delight in the decision: "The material in this game is clearly not appropriate to be played by children. I am pleased the Classification Board took swift action to address community concerns."
It would appear that the fact the characters beat each other didn't make it unsuitable for children before.