News: Don't Cross The Streams

Posted 19 Nov 2007 at 15:00 by Nathan Whincup
Start up your proton packs, the Ghostbusters are heading to the Wii and DS!
The classic 1984 film Ghosbusters has been rumoured to be seeing a second sequel for a while now, and plans seem to have been on and off, from the canned Ghostbusters Go To Hell to a proposed CGI sequel, though a third installment in the Ghostbusters franchise has not yet materialised (note the word 'yet', it's gonna happen!). However, for those of you with passions for both gaming and Ghostbusters, your wildest dreams are about to be realised.
Recently, one of the original Ghostbusters, Dan Akroyd (Ray Stantz), announced in a radio interview that a new Ghostbusters game was in development, with the script based around the script for the proposed third installment and penned by Akroyd and Harold Ramis. Sierra have now issued a statement revealing more about the new game.
The Wii and DS versions of the game will be developed by Red Fly Studios, responsible for the forthcoming Mushroom Men, also on Wii and DS. Akroyd (who will also do motion capture for the game) and Ramis are on board to provide voices for the game, as well as Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson. Rather than stepping into the boots of well known ass-kickers of the paranormal Venkman, Ray, Egon or Winston, players will step into the shoes of a new recruit into the Ghostbusters squad.
Early shots and videos of the game show the re-enactment of the famous battles between the library ghost from the start of the first film, Slimer in the hotel, and the infamous Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Here is a video of an interview with one of the developers of Ghostbusters, showing some early footage of the game.
Ghostbusters is planned for a release in Autumn 2008.
For the latest info on the new Ghostbusters game, WHO YA GONNA CALL?! Oh never mind.