Doodle Hex

News: Doodle Hex Demo Hits Nintendo Channel

A new downloadable DS demo hits the Nintendo Channel - test out Doodle Hex yourself for a limited time only!

Pinnacle Software and Spanish developer Tragnarion Studios have announced that Doodle Hex is now on the Nintendo Channel for Wii as a playable demo for your DS, where it will remain available to download until the 3rd October.

In the demo you take the role of Djin, one of 14 playable characters, competing against Cassie in a spell casting duel using the unique battle system. Runes are cast by drawing shapes on the DS touch screen, using the combined effects of the different runes you can create and unleash ever more powerful attacking spell combos. But beware of Cassie's own powerful incoming spells and ensure your defences are in place by activating your magical shield!

The full version of Doodle Hex on Nintendo DS is available now at all good retailers.

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