News: Download Mew This October

Posted 14 Oct 2010 at 00:35 by Ashley Jones
To celebrate ten years since Pokémon Gold and Silver were released Nintendo are giving gamers the chance to download the elusive Mew.
It has been ten years since Pokémon Gold and Silver were released and gamers explored the new Johto region to once again "catch 'em all". To celebrate this anniversary Nintendo are offering gamers the chance to download the legendary Pokémon Mew to Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
Between October 15th and October 30th you will be able to download a level 5 Mew that comes inside a Cherish Ball with the move Pound and a Premier Ribbon to symbolise you got it via a special event.
To download Mew players must use the Mystery Gift option via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service and need to acquire the Pokédex in the game. Additionally you should not have more than three Wonder Cards in the game.