News: Dragon Laid 3D Interview

Our friends over at GameCube Advanced have interviewed T.J. Higgens of Encore Software regarding Dragon's Lair 3D.

Here is a snippet of the interview:

GCA: What differences / similarities is there from the original and this new 3D romp?

TJ: The development folks at Dragonstone have worked very hard to ensure that Dragon's Lair 3D maintains the spirit, "look and feel" and adrenaline rush of the original arcade game. The storyline and characters remain the same. So Dragon's Lair fans will not be disappointed! At the same time, though, a lot has been added to make this game much deeper and more fun - and it is seven times the size of the original game. There are now 250 rooms to explore, 40 characters of which a dozen are new, and a new, original sound track.

GCA: Now that Dirk is in a 3D world, what kinds of actions can we perform with him?

TJ: In the original arcade game, the only choices for controlling Dirk were up, down, right, left or "action." In the new game, Dirk can do anything -- from rolling under a table, zig-zagging through a corridor or climbing up a ladder to running and jumping. Players will have to use their eye-hand coordination to swing across ropes and they'll have to run, jump and swing their sword to defend themselves against the Giddy-Goons when they attack.

GCA: What will make players of the original want to come try out this one?

TJ: All of the adrenaline rush that players remember from Dragon's Lair will be in this game. But there will be so much more! More characters, more rooms, brand new areas to explore, new movies, a new music video. We've added puzzles, obstacles and challenges where players will need to apply their quick reflexes, cunning and resourcefulness (this will be more challenging that the memorization and repeated trial-and-error needed for success in the original arcade game). And, this time around, players will be able to control Dirk instead of using simple "up," "down," "right," "left" and "action."

Read the rest of the interview over at GameCube Advanced!

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