News: DS Keyboard Unveiled

Posted 29 Jan 2011 at 11:02 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo has unveiled a bluetooth keyboard for the DS to coincide with the release of Battle & Get: Pokémon Typing DS.
While the typing tutor title Battle & Get: Pokémon Typing DS was unveiled last year it hasn't been mentioned by Nintendo since. This has all changed however as they have just announced a new bluetooth keyboard for the DS that will be packaged with the game.

The title, which so far has only been announced for Japan, requires gamers to capture Pokémon by typing words on screen as quickly as possible. Joystiq reports that this newly announced keyboard will make it much easier for gamers to do so.
The Battle & Get: Pokémon Typing DS cartridge will contain a bluetooth chip so that the keyboard can be synchronised with it. Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata has also stated that it will be compatible with the iPhone and Android devices but as a company they will not support this.