News: DSi Ware Launch Lineup Revealed

Downloadable DSi Ware launches December 24th in Japan - check out trailers for what will be available inside!

Just in time for Christmas, Nintendo of Japan is launching its DSi Ware service for those lucky 600,000+ current DSi owners (a number that grows everyday). December 24th sees the freely downloadable Internet Browser and Ugoku Memo-chou (the DSi's nifty new animation/photo notebook software) joined by a roster of new games and apps.

The following trailer shows glimpses of the two Art Style games, Aquario & Decode, plus new Brain Age, Utsusu! Made in Wario [Wario Ware], Chotto Dr. Mario [Little Dr. Mario], Magic Taisen [Master of Illusion] and the card game compilation Chotto Asobi Taisen Odegaru Trumps.

Also included there are microgames from the original GBA WarioWare (Pyoro T and Paper Aeroplane), which are now selling separately now for 200 Points. The full run-down (the Japanese "chotto" means "a little"):

200 Points

  • The Bird and the Bean (Pyoro)
  • Paper Aeroplane
  • Chotto Magic Taizen: 3x Shuffle game
  • Chotto Magic Taizen: Funny Face
  • Chotto Magic Taizen: Scary Numbers

500 Points

  • Art Style AQUARIO
  • Art Style DECODE
  • Chotto Dr. Mario
  • Utsusu! Made in Wario
  • Chotto Asobi Taizen

1000 Nintendo Points

  • Chotto Brain Training: Arts version
  • Chotto Brain Training: Science version

Finally, here's another gander at the Brain Age title, but also a proper demo of the fun-looking new flipbook/animation/photo software. We want.

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