News: DSi WarioWare, Art Style Games Announced

Posted 01 Nov 2008 at 19:10 by Nathan Whincup
Four new WarioWare games for DSiWare and WiiWare have been announced, in addition to six DSi games in the Art Style series.
In a recent press conference, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced a miniature avalanche of bite-size downloadable titles for both WiiWare and the Nintendo DSi's new online shopping service, DSiWare. Four new WarioWare titles were confirmed (one of which we already saw in one of the Nintendo Media Summit trailers), three for DSWare and one for WiiWare, with six DSiWare Art Style games also confirmed for release.
The first is a remake of WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania, the first title in the series which was originally released on the Game Boy Advance. The game will be split up into different packages and released episodically for 200 Nintendo Points per section.
Utsusu! Made in Wario is next, which takes advantage of the DSi's digital camera and allows you to use your silhouette as your playable character (presumably in an EyeToy-esque way, using your own body to interact with the minigames). This one will be a DSWare launch title next month.
Made in Ore is the WarioWare title we saw at the Media Summit, a microgame editor which allows you to "make your own music, graphics, pretty much everything, including programming the logic and making your own 'game cassette'". It features Wii-DS connectivity with Asobu! Made in Ore, a WiiWare title which allows you to upload and play your microgames on your TV.
Six Art Style games were also confirmed for release. The Art Style series has enjoyed success in America on WiiWare as complete remakes of the previously Japan-only Bit Generations games for the GBA, though these new titles will be launching on DSWare. The first title appears to be a remake of Bit Generations title Coloris, a puzzler where you simply shift colours to create chains.
Finally, Iwata confirmed that Japanese subway maps will be available for download from DSiWare, handy if you're planning a trip to the land of the rising sun.
DSiWare will launch in Japan in December, exclusively for the recently-launched DSi.