News: Dynamic Slash Cuts Up Japan In February

Posted 12 Nov 2009 at 10:33 by Aaron Clegg
It's Dynamic Slash. On Wii. No urine jokes, please...
If you cast your minds back all the way to Nintendo's Fall Conference of 2008, you may remember a host of first party titles announced. Aside from big hitters like Punch Out!! and Sin & Punishment, many games have never actually cropped up again since. One such title was Dynamic Slash for Wii, a seemingly intense action game which has your character take on hordes of enemies with a sword. The team handling development is Sandlot - best known for their critically-accliamed, cult hit Global Defence Force on PS2.
In typical Nintendo fashion, the game has suddenly leapt up from out of the blue with a confirmed release date. Dynamic Slash will release in Japan on February 11th under the name Zangeki no REGINLEIV.
Some sweet new details have also come to light, though. The game will feature online co-op play for up to four people. Also of interest is that Japan's age classification board CERO has given the game a D rating - the second-highest age rating possible. It's thought that this is first Nintendo game to receive a D rating. Tantilizingly, it has been rumoured that the game will have both MotionPlus and Classic Controller support.
There's no chatter of a western release at the moment, and knowing Nintendo as we all do, it'll be an anxious few months to see whether we'll actually receive the game.
Thanks to Dante and Hero-of-Time on the forums!