News: E3 Wii Graphics Just 'Tip Of The Iceberg'?

Posted 05 Jun 2006 at 07:58 by Tom Phillips
ATI claim that the graphics we saw displayed in Wii titles at E3 were just the tip of the iceberg for what the console can produce. More inside.
Could the Wii's GPU be more powerful than we think? Speculation has been fueled by the "Hollywood" GPU developers ATI saying that what we saw at E3 was the "tip of the iceberg." While we know that the hardware of the console is still to be finalised, Nintendo have stated that what we saw at E3 will likely be close to how the final games will look.
Nevertheless, gaming site GameDaily BIZ have talked with the John Swinimer, Senior Public Relations Manager of Consumer Products at ATI, and were told "I think what you saw [on Wii] was just the tip of the iceberg of what the Hollywood chip can bring to the Nintendo Wii." When asked for specifics, he replied: "I'm really not here to talk about the design specs... other than the fact that ATI worked closely with Nintendo. The team that worked on this chip also worked on the Flipper chip that was in GameCube, and they've been working with Nintendo for a very long time so there's a great chemistry with the two teams working together."
"I really don't think that it's about the [specs]; I think it's about the innovation that it brings to the table�the motion-sensing, the always-on capability, which is really cool too�the fact that the chip is powerful enough and responsive enough to be there at a moment's notice, and I think that's pretty cool for the average gamer."
Interestingly, ATI also made the GPU for the Xbox 360, though Swinimer refused to compare the two. "They're different chips for different platforms and different uses. I don't think it's a fair comparison to put them on a chart [to analyze]. That's not what it's all about... I think if you focus on the capabilities that the chip will have for the average consumer, with the amazement and wow factor, I think that's the value that we bring."
More as it breaks.